Family: Sterculiaceae
Uncommon shrub or small tree to 4m. Deciduous when flowering. Brown, hairy, boat-shaped seed pods. The Brachychiton bidwillii flower is the emblem for the Friends of the Gardens.
Where to look: Entrance of the Arts & Ecology Centre.
Family: Casuarinaceae
Endangered small tree of Mt Coolum. Separate male and female plants.
Where to look: Sculpture Garden & open lawn – picnic table end.
Family: Fabaceae
Prostrate or twining vine.
Where to look: Throughout the Gardens.
Family: Eupomatiaceae
Slender, upright shrub to 2m tall, usually less and single-trunked. Branchlets zig-zag. Perfumed solitary, terminal yellowish flowers, winter to summer. Cup-shaped, greenish domed fruit.
Family: Bignoniaceae
Near threatened, moderately vigorous climber. Racemes of rich pink flowers to 8cm.
Where to look: Friendship Colonade.
Family: Fabaceae
Upright shrub to 2m.
Where to look: Throughout the Gardens.
Family: Mimosaceae
Small shrub or tree to 5m.
Where to look: Along the entrance to the Garden and edges of the carpark.
Family: Meliaceae
Tree to 25m. Yellowish-brown, pear-shaped, 20mm fruit, splitting to reveal seeds enclosed in red aril.
Where to look: Sculpture Garden.
Family: Smilacaceae
Prickly vine, climbing by tendrils. 5mm white flowers in clusters all year. Lightly fragrant. Fruit globose, black, to 8mm.
Where to find: Throughout the forest. Very evident along the Upland Track.
Family: Cyperaceae
Clumping, grass-like plant to 1.5m tall. Slender flower spikes to 1.5m.
Where to find: Along the carpark edges.
Family: Fabaceae
Common hairy shrub to 2m. Flowers to 10mm, sometimes with red markings. Inflated pods to 6mm long.
Where to find: Higher altitude areas of the Gardens.
Photography: The majority of the photos in this collection are the wonderful and much appreciated work of Greg & Judy Miller. Many other members of the Friends have also kindly contributed their favourite images.